Recent content by Phoenix

  1. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; His smile sent a bolt of warmth, pure and sunny, through her. Whatever it was she was feeling, she got the feeling he was also feeling it. Whatever this light and gentle thing was. Was this friendship? Was that what...
  2. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; She nodded her head and leaned back, criss crossing her legs in front of her. She absently wrapped her hands around her ankles as she watched him eat. He was a bit of a messy eater, but that was fine. It was probably...
  3. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; She watched with fascination as he tore the meat in his hands. She picked up another handful of snow and absently let it melt as she watched with a small gleam to her eyes. "That makes sense, I guess. Given it's so...
  4. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; She hummed in response and nodded. The motion was thoughtful and slow, and her eyes drifted down again to the body. She dipped a hand into the snow and lifted it up, turning her attention to watching it drip in...
  5. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; "I'm not like most people, but surely that's obvious by now." She watched him eat, her eyes staying warm. She was right, she was sure. She wasn’t like most people. Certainly, most people would have been upset by his...
  6. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; She eyed the organ in the young man’s hand and tilted her head thoughtfully. She hummed for a second as she genuinely considered it. She could just… cook it. That would make it safe enough to eat, wouldn’t it? Even...
  7. Phoenix

    RP Kismet

    @import url(; The world around her dropped in temperature, and when she looked at Cryptid, half a dozen of him ran away from her in every direction. She watched for a moment in awe, spinning as she tried to find the real one. But...
  8. Phoenix

    Closed RP Dumpster Diving

    “In a dumpster, huh? Well, don’t worry. Cryptid is very good at tracking people down. I’m sure he’ll be able to figure out who did this and catch them.” She lifted the towel slightly to check the bleeding underneath. It was still bleeding enough that she wasn’t comfortable doing the cream and...
  9. Phoenix

    RP Paradise

    @import url(; There was a brief moment, a brief moment where she could feel the warmth of his breath, so close to her. Where her body was electrified and everything was intense. And then he was pulling away and looking down the...
  10. Phoenix

    Closed RP Dumpster Diving

    Sam smiled at Bea as she explained what had happened to her. It was believable. Unfortunately, Sam could tell exactly what parts were lies. She was changing some parts of her story, as though she didn’t want to tell her the truth of what had happened. It was small, but it was enough for Sam to...
  11. Phoenix

    Closed RP Dumpster Diving

    Sam moved to the kitchen again and opened the lowest drawer, shifting through the medical supplies there. She had long since needed anyone to take care of her, not since Joshie had taught her how to sew her wounds shut, had taught her how to disinfect wounds, and how to staunch bleeding...
  12. Phoenix

    RP Tag, You're It

    @import url(; Her smile burst into a full grin, and she laughed, a soft and ringing sound like bells. She pushed herself up and into a sitting position, keeping her heat tight to her body to avoid melting all of the snow around...
  13. Phoenix

    Closed RP Dumpster Diving

    Sam was just finishing up the dishes. She had been spending the time thinking, as she often did now, about what the fuck had happened to her life. Three months ago, she had been on her way to Philly on a suicide mission, and now she was standing there worried about her relationship and how to...
  14. Phoenix

    RP Menaechmi

    @import url(; He moved closer to her and she felt her breathing pick up. There was laughter in his voice and eyes now, and she couldn’t stop her eyes from tracing every inch of him. Her face only got redder as she suddenly looked...
  15. Phoenix

    RP Kismet

    @import url(; “Hm, a good plan. We’ll leave my car here. I’ll come back for it later.” She looked at the black Kia and then accepted the arm offered to her. She closed her eyes and hummed as warmth and electricity flooded her...