Recent content by Stitches

  1. Stitches

    RP Nonsilent Protagonists

    @import url( Three of the four women joined him in the circle of chairs, with only the brunette woman– Natasha– still standing. He took a long, slightly shaken breath and he looked around at them. The acrid, burning...
  2. Stitches

    This is your weekend reminder! Drink water and eat food!

    This is your weekend reminder! Drink water and eat food!
  3. Stitches

    RP Cypress

    @import url(; Year One Honestly, after all the stories, they had expected more. After all, weren’t they themselves, half-siblings as they were, just as much if not more than their reputation led on? Wasn’t Mauri just as...
  4. Stitches

    OOC Stitches' Testing Lab

    @import url(; This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This is a test of the emergency broadcast system This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This is a test...
  5. Stitches

    OOC Stitches' Testing Lab

    @import url(; This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This is a test of the emergency broadcast system This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System
  6. Stitches

    OOC Stitches' Testing Lab

    @import url(; This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This is a test of the emergency broadcast system This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System
  7. Stitches

    OOC Stitches' Testing Lab

    @import url(,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap); This Is A Test Of The Emergency Broadcast System This is a test of the emergency broadcast system This...
  8. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) She froze the moment the voice echoed through the trees, calling out to her in the French she had learned when she had been traded as a slave. The twist in her stomach became a pitfall for a moment. She...
  9. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) Good. That was good. Aliyna waited for Zhashagi to sit before she made any moves to do so herself. She knew the rules, long engraved into memory, of how to deal with wendigos. Specifically, how to deal...
  10. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) Aliyna smiled sharply at Zhashagi’s attempted words. Or at least, at what she thought were his attempted words. She could be wrong in her interpretation. But he was right. None of the other Old Ones would...
  11. Stitches


  12. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) While Aliyna didn’t even flinch, Nasir stumbled and fell to the ground. His eyes were wide as he took in the tree as it began to move before processing that it was in fact a giant man. The man was well...
  13. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) Aliyna stopped again, this time closing her eyes completely. Nasir watched her as she slowly opened them back up, watching the moonlight as it reflected off her once brown eyes, now grey and cloudy with...
  14. Stitches

    RP Nonsilent Protagonists

    @import url( Two more women entered the gym while he waited for answers from the others. The woman with the brown hair was mumbling when they entered, still in what Harley was growing convinced was Polish, or maybe...
  15. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) Aliyna opened her eyes and pressed forward, following the winding path. Nasir struggled to move as easily as she did, though he felt almost more comfortable moving through this overflow of snow than he did...