Search results

  1. Stitches

    RP Cypress

    @import url(; Year One Honestly, after all the stories, they had expected more. After all, weren’t they themselves, half-siblings as they were, just as much if not more than their reputation led on? Wasn’t Mauri just as...
  2. Stitches

    RP Carnivorous

    @import url(;400;700&display=swap) The forest was silent. There were no birds, not this late. There were no animals, not this close to the paths. The ground was covered in a thick, fluffy layer of snow, and the two ghuls moved through it in...
  3. Stitches

    RP Nonsilent Protagonists

    @import url( The Slate meeting was supposed to take place inside the event center’s main room. Walking through the building gave Harley a lot of time to think. He had just been recently assigned to Columbus, to...