Reyn's Big Test House of Fun




edain's cool swag gamercode

"I think she should just speak in italics"

[style]@import url('');[/style][div="background:url(, #111111;background-size:50%;font-family:Carrois Gothic, sans-serif;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;color:#c2f2c3;"][div="max-width:800px;margin:auto;padding-top:30px;padding-bottom:30px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;"][div="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;font-size:20px;color:#d8f2d8;"][span]T[/span][span]H[/span][span]E[/span]



edain's cool swag gamercode

[i]"I think she should just speak in italics"[/i]

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iidx 16
iidx 29
iidx 31

this shit fucking sucks what a waste of time
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piss death

stylised marquee thing. second width thing can change to accommodate text size if its cutting off
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu sodales erat, sollicitudin condimentum turpis. Praesent blandit sem libero, eget convallis elit ultricies sit amet. Duis pretium, eros blandit faucibus porttitor, urna purus sagittis mauris, a ornare enim quam posuere est. Fusce ipsum ipsum, commodo a nisi in, imperdiet sagittis est. Maecenas vel nunc auctor, viverra ante non, consequat felis. In vitae auctor augue. Mauris efficitur aliquet rutrum. Nullam non sapien in nibh accumsan dictum.

In quis risus sed ex pulvinar pretium. Nunc eu pellentesque neque. Morbi neque dolor, finibus at sollicitudin vitae, feugiat a massa. Pellentesque id justo arcu. Vivamus vitae diam feugiat orci lacinia iaculis vel nec lectus. Donec suscipit nec felis nec porttitor. Aenean cursus aliquet leo quis volutpat. Suspendisse potenti.

Cras ipsum orci, pulvinar sodales facilisis in, aliquet vulputate orci. Aenean sit amet quam tortor. Donec feugiat elementum efficitur. Mauris non tortor aliquet, viverra dolor a, accumsan libero. Donec luctus, neque nec pellentesque consequat, urna ligula auctor mauris, sit amet interdum tellus dolor at orci. Pellentesque fringilla metus nec venenatis interdum. Phasellus ante dolor, dictum in ex ullamcorper, egestas sodales turpis. Praesent ac orci in felis dapibus tincidunt sit amet vel tellus. Morbi ut eleifend libero, in dictum ligula. Phasellus id nunc turpis.
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KEYBOARDMANIA (キーボードマニア, often shortened to KBM) is the seventh BEMANI series to be released in Japan. The game can be played by one or two players. Following the popularity of the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series, KEYBOARDMANIA, as its name suggests, allows players to use a 2 octave, 24 key Yamaha keyboard and a pitch wheel. Although it only lasted for three arcade releases, the KEYBOARDMANIA series was infamous for its difficulty, with beginners being overwhelmed by its controller.
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KONAMI has released 18 home versions of beatmania IIDX: 15 on the Sony PlayStation 2 game console, one on PC, and two on mobile devices. The PS2 games are stored on DVD, and can be bought with a controller that matches the arcade version very closely. The controller's key insert is detachable, so the player may attach it as preferred on the left or the right side of the turntable. 14 home versions, from 3rd style through 16 EMPRESS + PREMIUM BEST, were released in Japan between 2000-2009. The series' sole North American release, simply titled beatmania (2006), loosely uses 9th style CS as the source of its interface and system BGM, but contains a completely different songlist.


more text

@import url('');
@import url('');
.VanityOutlineTitle{font-family:Sarpanch;font-size:45px;font-weight:800;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;-webkit-text-stroke-color:red;-webkit-text-fill-color: #0A0715;line-height:80%;padding-bottom:20px;transform: scale(1.4, 1);transform-origin:left;width:60%;position:relative;z-index:50}
.VanityOutlineLine{height:1px;background-color:red;position:absolute;z-index:42;top:59px;width:calc(100% + 0.5px); left:0px;z-index:40;}
.VanityTitle{font-family:Sarpanch;font-size:45px;font-weight:800;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 2px;line-height:80%;padding-bottom:20px;transform: scale(1.4, 1);transform-origin:right;text-align:right;}
.VanityTitleLine{height:2px;background-color:white;position:absolute;z-index:42;top:58px;width:calc(100% + 0.5px); left:0px}
.VanityBackgroundTwo{font-family:sans-serif;padding:10px;font-size:14px;line-height:25px;letter-spacing:3px;background-color:#33303E;color:white;font-family:'Open Sans';}

var t = document.getElementById("vanitytoggle");
t.innerHTML="ONE";}"]STYLE TOGGLE[/button]


[color=red]"speech"[/color][/class][class="VanityPosition"][class="VanityBackground"][class="VanityTitle"]BALL[/class][class="VanityTitleLine"][/class]more text[/class][/class][/class]

@import url('');
@import url('');
.VanityOutlineTitle{font-family:Sarpanch;font-size:45px;font-weight:800;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;-webkit-text-stroke-color:red;-webkit-text-fill-color: #0A0715;line-height:80%;padding-bottom:20px;transform: scale(1.4, 1);transform-origin:left;width:60%;position:relative;z-index:50}
.VanityOutlineLine{height:1px;background-color:red;position:absolute;z-index:42;top:59px;width:calc(100% + 0.5px); left:0px;z-index:40;}
.VanityTitle{font-family:Sarpanch;font-size:45px;font-weight:800;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 2px;line-height:80%;padding-bottom:20px;transform: scale(1.4, 1);transform-origin:right;text-align:right;}
.VanityTitleLine{height:2px;background-color:white;position:absolute;z-index:42;top:58px;width:calc(100% + 0.5px); left:0px}
.VanityBackgroundTwo{font-family:sans-serif;padding:10px;font-size:14px;line-height:25px;letter-spacing:3px;background-color:#33303E;color:white;font-family:'Open Sans';}

var t = document.getElementById("vanitytoggle");
t.innerHTML="ONE";}"]STYLE TOGGLE[/button]


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis orci non ante malesuada accumsan quis id diam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis orci non ante malesuada accumsan quis id diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis orci non ante malesuada accumsan quis id diam. Ut ipsum arcu, consequat eu mattis ac, mollis vitae quam. Vivamus sagittis enim quis ullamcorper dapibus.

vanity div time lads
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec turpis ante, blandit a nibh eget, rhoncus accumsan ligula. Quisque dictum nisl eget quam convallis, id laoreet eros sodales. Sed interdum turpis mi, quis tincidunt erat maximus et. Nunc et ipsum urna. Vivamus viverra dui erat. Suspendisse porta pretium magna, nec feugiat nulla. Nullam ac ligula ante. Nulla vel cursus purus. Suspendisse malesuada tortor et dui convallis, vel ultrices erat efficitur. Sed sed ligula quis ligula scelerisque porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi scelerisque ipsum tortor, vel gravida eros auctor et.

In iaculis ut augue id finibus. Vivamus nisl massa, ultrices viverra justo sit amet, consequat rhoncus mi. Donec commodo ullamcorper augue. Maecenas sit amet mi rutrum, molestie quam sit amet, mattis dolor. Nulla tincidunt eleifend lobortis. Vestibulum non lorem vel libero consectetur porttitor. Etiam laoreet vulputate orci ut facilisis. Donec facilisis tincidunt quam, nec dapibus nibh accumsan eu. Etiam ultricies est tempor risus tempus mollis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis orci non ante malesuada accumsan quis id diam.

vanity div time lads

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You know him. He's the one from that rock band- the one in charge, with the eyeliner and the pitch-perfect voice. Or he's the one from the alley you crossed last night- the one in hiding, with the hat and the soul-rending voice. Or he's the one from the record store down the road- the one behind the desk, with the iced coffee and the half-awake voice.

You know him- part of him.

consumed by the vanity
To any observer, there is little to distinguish him from a regular human. However, he has a few unseen abnormalities- small quirks which, whilst not quite significant enough to call powers, still serve to aid him in his endeavours.

, for example; the range of frequency and of volume that he can distinguish is far beyond that of a human, making him almost impossible to sneak up on, unless moving in absolute, unnatural silence.

means that any attempt to alter his thought processes--be it metahuman, chemical, or otherwise--is doomed to fail. This, of course, includes his own abilities.

, vague as it seems, means that he has phenomenal aim, and is able to hit moving targets as easily as static ones. On top of this, it allows him to utilise objects in the environment for better mobility, without having to deal with any guesswork.

, though it is the most common of his abnormalities, is more useful than it appears- his primary strength comes from obscure frequencies, and it helps to get them right.
Lead singer of garage rock band PREMORTEM and sole creative force behind VANITY PROJECT, the eccentric and enigmatic persona of Vanity has proved successful in capturing the hearts of the alternative public.

His work, especially his solo venture, is known for being dark and experimental, whilst remaining mostly palatable. Though little is known about him in the public eye, one thing is for certain; he puts on a good show.

he claims to control,
He possesses a second voice, from a second set of vocal cords- classified as a metahuman mutation, owing to its abnormal gravitas. Its frequencies are below the range of human perception, bypassing the conscious completely to strike at the subliminal. Through experimentation, he has identified a number that are particularly effective.

This primarily manifests as the ability to manipulate emotions, inducing and intensifying emotional states with particular tones- to maddening degrees, if exposure is long enough. Though he doesn't yet know how to control the full spectrum, he has a few named notes that he can utilise;
for fear, and
for fury.

draws attention to itself- and away from everything else. The longer it is left to play, the stronger its pull becomes, until it's all but impossible to perceive anything else.

, unlike the others, is just barely audible- a torturous sound, forcing those who hear it to do anything and everything to make it stop. Usually, this involves moving away from the source until it's no longer audible. When this isn't an option, however, then the source of the noise--or the organs which hear it--must be destroyed.

It is likely there are more he has not yet discovered, and his research continues.
Once a music project dedicated to recording and remixing the last moments of Pittsburgh's dead, the persona of Lament has warped into something far more sinister.

Though his actions remain unseen, his tactics have changed as of late. No longer content with merely recording murder scenes, he now silently orchestrates them, pulling the strings of the violent to lure out the vulnerable- human or or metahuman, for either party.

For now, he remains anonymous; with very little to tie him to his public identity.

controlling the vain
Though the effects of his frequencies last only as long as they are played, it is possible to cause more lasting, more specific conditions through combining and layering them into a song. In order for anything to last, the song must be played to completion- no skips, no interruptions, through a system of speakers complex enough to handle the clashing infrasound frequencies without any loss of quality.

is, so far, the only one he has deemed worth the set-up. It instills a persistent, subconscious threat, forcing listeners to comply with his demands- as the alternative, to them, is inconceivable. The spell is broken, so to speak, when the listener fails a request, resulting in an intense feeling of dysphoria and, eventually, nothing.

Nothing he does can ever be subtle. Though the frequencies used are mostly unheard, it is obvious once a song starts playing that it should not be allowed to finish- he relies on threat and violence to keep his listeners engaged.
Charming, knowledgeable, and lazy to a fault, you'd be hard-pressed to find a hipster in Pittsburgh who hasn't met (or at least heard of) Kosuke. He owns and runs VULTURE, a record store and vinyl cafe, and is notably far more approachable than his on-stage persona might suggest.

Though he appears absent-mindedly upbeat, those who get close may notice he's somewhat jaded beneath the surface. He seems to have a dark past- but, surely, that's all there is to him.

who dare to consume;
He hides a number of weapons on his person at all times- some conventional, others reliant on his specific power. Though the exact amount may vary, he's never seen without at least something. Even the harmless shopkeep is armed to the resonant teeth.

: a large knife, more practical than threatening.

: a tazer- a new addition, but a favourite of his.

: a collection of lightweight throwing knives- thrown, of course, with devastating accuracy.

: blades built into the toes of his shoes, unsheathed by a spring when he hits his heel.

: a handgun. The boring way out.

: a portable speaker, capable of playing back pre-recorded sounds, as well as amplifying his live voice.

: he runs a record store, and the store sells audio equipment. As such, he has access to a number of speakers and sound systems which, whilst they may take some time to set up, are enough to turn their new-formed soundstage into a sonic death trap.
No matter which face presents itself, there always seems to be something missing from the picture; an extra layer of detail you're not quite getting, not yet privy to. A musician with unnatural talent. A madman who outsources his cruelty. A shopkeep trusted by his horde. A metahuman, unknown to all but a curated few-

But, for those few, it's already too late.

a madness, recursive.


You know him. He's the one from that rock band- the one in charge, with the eyeliner and the pitch-perfect voice. Or he's the one from the alley you crossed last night- the one in hiding, with the hat and the soul-rending voice. Or he's the one from the record store down the road- the one behind the desk, with the iced coffee and the half-awake voice.

You know him- part of him.

consumed by the vanity

To any observer, there is little to distinguish him from a regular human. However, he has a few unseen abnormalities- small quirks which, whilst not quite significant enough to call powers, still serve to aid him in his endeavours.

, for example; the range of frequency and of volume that he can distinguish is far beyond that of a human, making him almost impossible to sneak up on, unless moving in absolute, unnatural silence.

means that any attempt to alter his thought processes--be it metahuman, chemical, or otherwise--is doomed to fail. This, of course, includes his own abilities.

, vague as it seems, means that he has phenomenal aim, and is able to hit moving targets as easily as static ones. On top of this, it allows him to utilise objects in the environment for better mobility, without having to deal with any guesswork.

, though it is the most common of his abnormalities, is more useful than it appears- his primary strength comes from obscure frequencies, and it helps to get them right.

Lead singer of garage rock band PREMORTEM and sole creative force behind VANITY PROJECT, the eccentric and enigmatic persona of Vanity has proved successful in capturing the hearts of the alternative public.

His work, especially his solo venture, is known for being dark and experimental, whilst remaining mostly palatable. Though little is known about him in the public eye, one thing is for certain; he puts on a good show.

he claims to control,

He possesses a second voice, from a second set of vocal cords- classified as a metahuman mutation, owing to its abnormal gravitas. Its frequencies are below the range of human perception, bypassing the conscious completely to strike at the subliminal. Through experimentation, he has identified a number that are particularly effective.

This primarily manifests as the ability to manipulate emotions, inducing and intensifying emotional states with particular tones- to maddening degrees, if exposure is long enough. Though he doesn't yet know how to control the full spectrum, he has a few named notes that he can utilise;
for fear, and
for fury.

draws attention to itself- and away from everything else. The longer it is left to play, the stronger its pull becomes, until it's all but impossible to perceive anything else.

, unlike the others, is just barely audible- a torturous sound, forcing those who hear it to do anything and everything to make it stop. Usually, this involves moving away from the source until it's no longer audible. When this isn't an option, however, then the source of the noise--or the organs which hear it--must be destroyed.

It is likely there are more he has not yet discovered, and his research continues.

Once a music project dedicated to recording and remixing the last moments of Pittsburgh's dead, the persona of Lament has warped into something far more sinister.

Though his actions remain unseen, his tactics have changed as of late. No longer content with merely recording murder scenes, he now silently orchestrates them, pulling the strings of the violent to lure out the vulnerable- human or metahuman, for either party.

For now, he remains anonymous; with very little to tie him to his public identity.

controlling the vain

Though the effects of his frequencies last only as long as they are played, it is possible to cause more lasting, more specific conditions through combining and layering them into a song. In order for anything to last, the song must be played to completion- no skips, no interruptions, through a system of speakers complex enough to handle the clashing infrasound frequencies without any loss of quality.

is, so far, the only one he has deemed worth the set-up. It instills a persistent, subconscious threat, forcing listeners to comply with his demands- as the alternative, to them, is inconceivable. The spell is broken, so to speak, when the listener fails a request, resulting in an intense feeling of dysphoria and, eventually, nothing.

Nothing he does can ever be subtle. Though the frequencies used are mostly unheard, it is obvious once a song starts playing that it should not be allowed to finish- he relies on threat and violence to keep his listeners engaged.

Charming, knowledgeable, and lazy to a fault, you'd be hard-pressed to find a hipster in Pittsburgh who hasn't met (or at least heard of) Kosuke. He owns and runs VULTURE, a record store and vinyl cafe, and is notably far more approachable than his on-stage persona might suggest.

Though he appears absent-mindedly upbeat, those who get close may notice he's somewhat jaded beneath the surface. He seems to have a dark past- but, surely, that's all there is to him.

who dare to consume;

He hides a number of weapons on his person at all times- some conventional, others reliant on his specific power. Though the exact amount may vary, he's never seen without at least something. Even the harmless shopkeep is armed to the resonant teeth.

: a large knife, more practical than threatening.

: a tazer- a new addition, but a favourite of his.

: a collection of lightweight throwing knives- thrown, of course, with devastating accuracy.

: blades built into the toes of his shoes, unsheathed by a spring when he hits his heel.

: a handgun. The boring way out.

: a portable speaker, capable of playing back pre-recorded sounds, as well as amplifying his live voice.

: he runs a record store, and the store sells audio equipment. As such, he has access to a number of speakers and sound systems which, whilst they may take some time to set up, are enough to turn their new-formed soundstage into a sonic death trap.

No matter which face presents itself, there always seems to be something missing; an extra layer of detail you're not quite getting, not yet privy to. A musician with unnatural talent. A madman who outsources his cruelty. A shopkeep trusted by his horde. A metahuman, unknown to all but a curated few-

But, for those few, it's already too late.

a madness, recursive.

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Long bit of text
im going to use this beautiful code

Beatmania IIDX 17: Sirius is the 17th installment in Konami's Beatmania IIDX series of music video games. The main motif of Sirius's UI is astronomy, as the game is named after Sirius, known to be the brightest star in the night sky. Public location tests began on May 27, 2009,[1] and the game itself was released on October 21, 2009.[2]


The existence of a 17th version in the beatmania IIDX series was confirmed by Konami on May 25, 2009, alongside the announcement of the first public location tests at the Cat's Eye arcade in Japan,[1] which had already been promoting the location tests set to begin on the 27th of May for several days before the official announcement.[3]

The location tests revealed new features contained in the game, such as "charge notes", and contained a sampling of songs slated to be included in the final release.[4] Additional tests were held in late June to early July in Nagoya and at an arcade at the Norbesa in Sapporo.[5]




[style]@import url('');
@import url('');
@import url('');
@import url('');

.VanityMain{background-color:#111;color:#919191;font-family: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace;padding:15px;}
.VanityTitleMain{font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;font-size:25px;line-height:90%;display:inline;}
.VanityTitleDeco{display:inline;font-family: 'Whisper', display;font-size:75px;color:#ED1D1D;}
.VanityWaveform{font-family: 'Wavefont';color:#ED1D1D;text-align:right;font-size:30px;display:inline;float:right;}
[class="VanityTitleDeco"]Title[/class][class="VanityWaveform"]waveform easter egg[/class][/class]





[style]@import url('');
@import url('');
@import url('');
@import url('');

.VanityMain{background-color:#111;color:#919191;font-family: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace;padding:15px;}
.VanityTitleMain{font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;font-size:25px;line-height:90%;display:inline;}
.VanityTitleDeco{display:inline;font-family: 'Whisper', display;font-size:75px;color:#ED1D1D;}
.VanityWaveform{font-family: 'Wavefont';color:#ED1D1D;text-align:right;font-size:30px;display:inline;float:right;}
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Page Code by Reyn